- Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science, Jamia Hamdard University, (2017) Thesis title : To develop and analyze efficient algorithms for software estimation using Neuro-fuzzy approach
- Master of Technology (IT): Guru Govind Singh Inderprastha University (2002-05) with 71.4% marks
- Master of Computer Applications, AMU Aligarh (1993-1996) with 75.22%
- Bachelor of Science Physics(H), AMU Aligarh (1990-1993) attaining 73.46%

Work Experience
- I have a total experience of 26+ years at the university level in the field of teaching at UG/PG level. Currently working as an Assistant Professor (Senior-Selection Grade) in Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi since Dec 2006.
- Working as Adjunct Honorary Professor at various Universities like Maryam Abacha American University Nigeria and Sushant University Gurgaon.
- Visiting professor at Amity University Noida Online and UPES Dehradun Online.
- I have worked for NICE Management College, Meerut from 1996-2001 as Associate Professor and Head of the Computer Science Department (Currently Shobhit University, Meerut)
- I have worked for IMR Ghaziabad from 2001-2006 as Associate Professor and Head of the Department, Computer Science.
Publications , Presentations And Conferences
- Real Time Anomaly Detection in Big Data using scalable Machine Learning Techniques,Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities, Vol 27 No 4 (2024). ISSN: 1902-910X.
- Content-aware recommendation system for integrated temporal semantic review text over web of things Service Oriented Computing and Applications 2024 | Journal article DOI: 1007/s11761-024-00408-9
- Bio-Inspired EEG Signal computing using machine learning and Fuzzy Theory for Decision making in future-oriented Brain-Controlled Vehicles, SLAS Technology
- Efficient key revocation in WSN with lattice-based cryptography Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 2024 | Journal article DOI: 10.47974/JDMSC-1887
- Knowledge-based deep learning system for classifying Alzheimer’s disease for multi-task learning CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology 2024 | Journal article DOI: 1049/cit2.12291
- The diabacare cloud: predicting diabetes using machine learning Acta Scientiarum – Technology 2024 | Journal article DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v46i1.64783
- Security and energy efficient cyber-physical systems using predictive modeling approaches in Wireless Sensor Network, Wireless Networks (Springer IF3.0), 2023, 10.1007/s11276-023-03345-1
- Hybrid Block-Based Lightweight Machine Learning-Based Predictive Models for Quality Preserving in the Internet of Things- (IoT-) Based Medical Images with Diagnostic Applications (SCI Indexed Impact Factor 4.4)
- Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Hindawi, April 12, 2022, Volume 2022 |Article ID 8173372 | https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/8173372
- Optimal Design of Intelligent Control System in the Communication Room Based on Artificial Intelligence, (SCI Indexed), Hindawi Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Volume 2022, Article ID 2353789, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/2353789
- Hybrid Multi-User Based Cloud Data Security for Medical Decision Learning Patterns, (Scopus Indexed), Manish Gupta1, Ihtiram Raza Khan2, B Gomathy3and Ansuman Samal4 ECS Transactions, Volume 107, https://doi.org/10.1149/10701.2559ecst
- Data Mining in Employee Healthcare Detection Using Intelligence Techniques for Industry Development, (SCI Indexed Impact Factor 2.682), Hindawi -Journal of Healthcare Engineering Volume 2022 |Article ID 6462657 | https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/6462657
- Detection of Emotion of Speech for RAVDESS Audio Using Hybrid Convolution Neural Network (SCI Indexed Impact Factor 2.682), Hindawi Journal- Intelligent Solutions in E-Health and Medical Communication Services, Volume 2022 |Article ID 8472947 | https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/8472947
- Multichannel CNN Model for Biomedical Entity Reorganization (SCI Indexed Impact Factor 3.41) Hindawi BioMed Research International Volume 2022 |Article ID 5765629 | https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/5765629
- Deep learning Based Patient-Friendly Clinical Expert Recommendation Framework (IEEE Scopus) Akhilesh Kumar, Sarfraz Fayaz Khan, Rajinder Singh Sodhi, Ihtiram Raza Khan, Sumit Kumar, Ashish Kumar Tamrakar 2022 2nd International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management (ICIPTM) Year: 2022 | Volume: 2| Conference Paper | Publisher: IEEE Journal Of Food Quality (Sci And Scopus Indexed)
- Open Data Release and Privacy Concerns: Complexity in Mitigating Vulnerability with Controlled Perturbation 2021, pp. 1-8, 2021. Available: 10.1155/2021/9929049. (SCI and SCOPUS INDEXED) TURKISH JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (TURCOMAT) SCOPUS INDEXED
- An Intelligent Smart Ranked Feature Construction Analysis based on Clustering High Dimensional Data Streams April 2021. Vol.12 No.9 (2021) (No 9):137-142 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN INDUSTRY (ESCI)
- Blockchain for Indian Agriculture: A Revolution March 2021, , Vol. 9, No. 2. DOI: 10.17762/itii.v9i2.378
- Psychological Impacts of COVID -19 on Human Health- Data Visualized, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT TRENDS IN COMPUTING ICRTC-2021(SPRINGER CONFERENCE) July 2021
- A Novel Method of Transforming Real Images & Videos into Cartoon Images &Videos July 2021 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING AND CAPSULE NETWORKS ICIPN 2021 ((SPRINGER CONFERENCE)
- Augmented Reality Application for Newspapers March 2021 (ISBN: 978-81-947901-2-9) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING, APPLIED SCIENCES AND MANAGEMENT (UOB-IEASMA 2021) BURAIMI, OMAN
- Role of Information Technology in Covid-19 Prevention, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS EDUCATION AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES (IJBEMS) ISSN:2941-9638,5. Issue 1 2020 (May)
- Block chain Technology: A Critical Review and its proposed use in E-voting in India (SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020), INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATIVE COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATION (ICICC 2020)2139/SSRN.3570320
- Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Using Big Data Analysis, 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ICT FOR DIGITAL, SMART, AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (EAI core) (ISBN 978-93-5376-775-8)
- Potential of Open data in Sustainable and Open governance: A search for Imperceptible barriers, 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ICT FOR DIGITAL, SMART, AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (EAI core) (ISBN 978-93-5376-775-8)
- IOT and AI as Key Enabler of Growth of Smart Cities, 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ICT FOR DIGITAL, SMART, AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (EAI core) (ISBN 978-93-5376-775-8)
- IOT in Smart Cities: A Survey, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMART INNOVATIONS FOR SOCIETY (ISSN:2278-4632), Juni Khyat (UGC CARE group I Journal) Vol 10 Issue 5 May 2020
- IoT Based Smart Door System Using Face Recognition, PROTEUS UGC CARE Journal ISSN/eISSN: 0889-6348, Vol 11 Issue 6 2020
- Internet of Things (IoT) as key enabler for Efficient Business Processes, International Conference of “Business Transformation through Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Digitalization-2019 ISBN: 978-93-88996-19-8
- Crime data analysis in Python using K-means clustering, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN:2361-9653, Vol 7 Issue IV April 2019
- Effort of Load balancing to achieve Green Computing, International Journal of Computer Sciences &Engineering (IJCSE) ISSN:2347-2693, Vol 7 Issue 4 April 2019
- Malware Detection and Analysis, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS) ISSN 0976-5697, Vol 8 Issue 5
- Issues and vulnerabilities related to Online voting and its Mitigation, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS) ISSN 0976-5697, Vol 8 Issue 5 May 2017
- Function Point Software Cost Estimates using Neuro-Fuzzy technique, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER) ISSN (e): 2250-3005, Vol 06 Issue 09 September 2016
- Swarm intelligence in MANETs: a survey, International Journal of Emerging Research in Management Technology, Vol 5 Issue 5 2016
- Security Metrics: Expectations & the Reality, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 5 Issue 6 2015
- Improved Entropy based Fuzzy Classifier in Handwritten Gesture Recognition, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology & Science (IJIRTS)
- Enhanced Method for Text Searching Using Compression in Information Retrieval, International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT)
- Efficient Software Cost Estimation using Neuro- Fuzzy Technique, ISCET 2010 International Symposium on Computer Engineering & Technology, P 229-232
- Analysis of Big data processing using Machine Learning algorithm, International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering and Technology (IJSRET) ISSN: 2278-0882, Vol 7 Issue 4 April 2018
- Software cost estimation using a Neuro- Fuzzy algorithmic approach, International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research ISSN 2278-733X, Vol 02 Issue 07 July 2013
- Software Development and Maintenance cost estimation using Neuro Fuzzy approach, ETCSIT 2013 International conference on “Emerging trends in Computer Science and Information Technology” (CSIR sponsored) ISBN 978-93-80703-45-9, ISBN 978-93-80703-45-9
- Efficient Software Cost Estimation using Neuro- Fuzzy Technique, NCRDCA 2009 National Conference on recent developments in computing and its applications ISBN 978-93-80026-78-7, P 376-381
- Malignant Degeneration in a Mature Cystic Teratoma of Ovary A Case Report, Journal 0f The Nepal Medical Association 2001, DOI: 10.31729/jnma.845
- Hydatid cyst presenting as a breast lump, The Southeast Asian Journal Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health (2000)
Book Publications
SNo. |
Book |
Authors |
Publisher |
1. |
Machine Learning Techniques |
Ihtiram Raza Khan |
978-93-92992-55-1 |
SIPH Publications ,2022 |
2. |
Computer fundamentals for beginners |
Ihtiram Raza Khan |
978-93-90847-10-5 |
Kripa Drishti Publications ,2022 |
3. |
Research Methods of Computer Science |
Ihtiram Raza Khan, Huma Anwar |
9789383828241 |
Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd ,2018 |
4. |
Computer Graphics & Multimedia |
Ihtiram Raza Khan, Huma Anwar |
9788131804919 |
Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd ,2011 |
5. |
Introduction to Software Engineering |
Ihtiram Raza Khan |
9788178842387 |
CyberTech publication ,2007 |
6. |
Introduction to Interactive Computer Graphics |
Ihtiram Raza Khan |
8178840618 |
Cyber Tech Publications ,2003 |
7. |
Information Technology for Management |
Ihtiram Raza Khan |
978-81-947839-1-6 |
Kripa Drishti Publications ,2020 |
8. |
Principles and Practices of Network Security |
Ihtiram Raza Khan |
9789394707856 |
XOffencer |
9. |
Demystifying Relational Database Management System |
Ihtiram Raza Khan |
9789394570092 |
Kripa Drishti publication |
10. |
Changing Faces of Software Engineering |
Ihtiram Raza Khan, Huma Anwar |
978-93-91146-04-7 |
AABS Publishing house 2022 |
11. |
UNIX/LINUX Operating system and Shell scripting |
Ihtiram Raza Khan, Huma Anwar |
978-93-91146-47-4 |
AABS Publishing house 2023 |
12. |
Introduction to Python Projects |
Ihtiram Raza Khan, Neetu Faujdar and Iram Fatima |
978-81-969534-4-7 |
Kripa Drishti publication 2024 |
13. |
Natural Language Processing for Data Analysis |
Ihtiram Raza Khan |
978-81-195344-0-1 |
XOffencer International 2024 |
14 |
The Journey of Software Development |
Dr Ihtiram Raza Khan |
978-81-198206-6-5 |
Chyren Publications 2024 |
15 |
Virtual Lifelong Learning- Educating society with modern Communication Technologies |
Dr Ihtiram Raza Khan, Neha, Pooja, Kulsun |
978-981-5196-57-3 |
Bentham Books |
16 |
Machine Learning For Radio Resource Management and Optimization in 5G and Beyond |
Dr Ihtiram Raza Khan, Dr. Mariya Quaissa |
978-103-2844-73-2 |
CRC Press |
Book-Chapter Publications
SNo. |
Book-Chapter |
Book |
Publisher |
1. |
Managing Medical Supply Chain Using Block chain Technology |
Block chain for Healthcare Systems |
9781003141471 |
CRC Press, 2021 |
2. |
Application of AI in Smart Cities |
Industrial Transformation |
9781003229018 |
CRC Press, 2022 |
3. |
R&D Export and ICT Regimes in India |
Smart and Sustainable approaches for optimizing performance of Wireless Networks |
9781119682523 |
Wiley and Sons, 2022 |
4. |
Role of Sustainable Development in Smart cities for a better life style |
Environmental Sustainability and Human Health |
978-93-88336-38-3 |
SRF journal, 2022 |
5. |
Covid-19: Psychological Impacts on Human Health |
Covid 19- Human Health and |
978-93-5473-518-9 |
Immortal Publishers, 2022 |
6. |
Artificial Intelligence of Things (AI0T) and Metaverse Technology for Brain Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing |
Contemporary Applications of Data Fusion for Advanced Healthcare Informatics |
9781668489130 |
IGI Global, 2023 |
7. |
Role of AI, IoT, and IoD in avoiding and minimizing risks of future pandemics |
Computer Intelligence Against Pandemics |
9783110767681 |
Walter DE Gruyter, 2022 |
8. |
Cyber-physical Attacks and IoT |
Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems Security for Industry 4.0 |
9781003241348 |
Chapman and Hall/CRC |
9. |
Business 4.0-A New Revolution |
Information Technology for Management |
9788194783916 |
KD Publications, 2020 |
Patents And Copyrights
SNo. |
1. |
2021100143 |
Computer - implemented method for encryption over a block chain data sharing in secure network |
11 January 2021 |
2. |
202131008193 |
Machine Learning Based Process for Medical Data Pattern Identification And Application With Visualisation In User Interfaces |
26 February 2021 |
3. |
2021101195 |
Privacy-preserving Authentication and Key-Management Protocol for Health Information System |
21 April 2021 |
4. |
202111011159 |
Image processing system and method for object detection using machine learning |
16 March 2021 |
5. |
202131012555 |
Communication method of blockchain data sharing using secure encryption and decryption |
23 March 2021 |
6. |
202111016924 |
Internet of things sensor based smart and intelligent wheelchair system |
11 April 2021 |
7. |
202131017275 |
IoT based system for monitoring and notification for uses of liquefied petroleum gas |
13 April 2021 |
8. |
202111017877 |
Artificial intelligence-based system for design surface of computerized building design model |
17 April 2021 |
9. |
202131018259 |
Deep learning-based system for detection of covid-19 disease of patient at infection risk |
20 April 2021 |
10. |
2021101194 |
A Smart City System for Citizen's Utilizing Ubiquitous Computing Technique |
21 April 2021 |
11. |
2021101577 |
An IoT Based System for Emergency Healthcare |
05 May 2021 |
12. |
202141050174 |
A Cloud computing enabled 5G wireless sensor network comprises IoT sensor for Smart city Implements |
19 Nov 2021 |
13. |
202211013416 |
Computer implemented method for crypto currency price prediction using artificial intelligence and machine learning |
18/03/2022 |
14. |
202241020591 |
Deep learning enabled system and method for determining users confidence by analysing expression, behaviour and voice |
15/04/2022 |
15. |
202241069188 |
System of Machine Vision-Based Person Detection Under Low-Illuminance Conditions Using Machine learning for Visual Surveillance System |
23/12/2022 |
16. |
202311003018 |
Implementation of Blockchain technologies in Supply chain Management for Smart and Intelligent Computing |
20/01/2023 |
17. |
202311002736 |
5G Network Life cycle Management platform based on Big data and Machine Learning |
20/01/2023 |
18. |
1187629 Canadian copyright |
An IoT based Healthcare management Information system methodology |
04/01/22 |
19. |
202022101775 German Patent |
Ein auf IoT und maschinellem Lernen basierendes Gerät zur Vorhersage und Frühwarnung für Patienten mit psychischen Störungen |
27/05/2022 |
20. |
202303291 |
Machine learning enabled system for intelligent bid price selection for profit accumulation |
29/05/2023 |
21. |
6297940 |
Cancer detection unit |
08/08/2023 |
22. |
6286369 |
Machine learning based health monitoring wearable device |
08/07/2023 |
23. |
383763-001 |
IOT based sun tracking solar panel system |
12/04/2023 |
24. |
6277084 |
RFID and IOT based encrypted digital locking device |
06/05/2023 |
25. |
386131-001 |
Shopping Cart |
13/05/2023 Granted |
26. |
387358 |
AI based Nerve Activation Device for Healthcare Treatment |
31/05/2023 |
27. |
6279928 |
Employee Work Monitoring & Management Device(UK design grant) |
15/05/2023 Granted |
28. |
202311062236A |
Integration of IOT framework into Medical Field for Stress Monitoring using Wearable Sensors |
13/10/2023 |
29. |
6318272 |
Advanced CCTV Camera for Enhanced Smart City Surveillance |
11/10/2023 |
30. |
202311067379 |
Integration of Machine Learning and IOT based Road Accident Detection and Notification Systems |
27/10/2023 |
31. |
202421009597 |
IOT based Smart Energy Management System Using Distributed Ledger Technology |
13/02/2024 |
32. |
405343-001 |
Mobile Stand |
22/01/2024 |
33. |
6366698 |
Blockchain enabled device for Computer Network Security |
15/05/2024 |
Workshops / Training Attended
- Attended the Erudition session of NERDZ 2007(two days IT festival organized by department of Computer Science Jamia Hamdard).
- Attended a .NET workshop held in Jamia Hamdard in Jan 2009.
- Attended a two day regional seminar on “Intellectual Property Protection & Management” held on 11th -12th February, 2009 at Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar New Delhi
- Participated in a workshop on “Basic Robotics and introduction for autonomous robotics” organized by MITBOTS (An IIT Delhi Alumni Group), Robotic Foundation of India. (August 21-22, 2009).
- Participated in the Walk and Workshop on “Awareness, Preparedness and Management for Risks Reduction of Disaster” on the occasion of “UN International Disaster Reduction Day” organized by Faculty of Medicine, Jamia Hamdard held on 12th October 2011.
- Attended a seminar on “Innovations in Apple Inc. ( A tribute to Steve Paul Jobs)” organized by the Department of Computer Science, FMIT, Jamia Hamdard in association with ISTE, CSI and IEEE held on 21st October, 2011.
- Participated in three week Special Winter School organized by the UGC –HRDC, JMI, New Delhi from 8 Dec, 2019 to 30 Dec, 2020.
- Attended and organized a “Seminar on Cloud Computing and its Applications”, on 9-10th March, 2019 at Jamia Hamdard.
Administrative Work
Currently Member of Academic Council of Jamia Hamdard - CurrentlyMember of Executive Council of Jamia Hamdard
- Currently Member of IQAC team of Jamia Hamdard.
- Member of Standing Committee of the Academic Council of the University in previous years
- Currently Member of Doctoral Committee of Department of Computer Science, Jamia Hamdard
- Examinations Coordinator of Department of Computer Science, Jamia Hamdard.
- Committee member of PAC Co-ordination committee, DST, held at Jamia Hamdard in Dec, 2016. Convocation, 2017 of Jamia Hamdard.
- Committee member of Convocation, 2023 of Jamia Hamdard.
- Committee member of Convocation, 2017-2020 of Jamia Hamdard.
- Have been the member of the Academic Council of Jamia Hamdard.
- Have been the member of the Board of Studies of the Department of Computer Science, FMIT, Jamia Hamdard
- Developed the curriculum of the courses taught at the post graduate level and under graduate level (M.Tech, MCA, M.Sc, B.Tech,BCA)
- Reviewed the Bye Laws of various courses run by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jamia Hamdard.
- Semester examination paper setting, examiner and evaluator of the various courses taught at the university.
- Moderator of the semester examinations papers of several PG/UG level courses.
- Time Table Co-ordinator for the courses run by Department of Computer Science, Jamia Hamdard.
- Course coordinator of several PG/UG level courses of the Department of CSE, Jamia Hamdard
- Convenor of Nerdz (Annual National Level IT Festival) in 2007,2009,2011,2014.2017,2019.
- Written study material for IGNOU and distance Learning Courses for subjects Computer Networks and Programming Fundamentals.
Courses Taught
- PhD Computer Science – Machine Learning
- Master of Technology: Bio-Informatics
- Master of Technology: Information Security and Forensic Sciences
- Master of Computer Applications
- Master of Science-Computer Science
- Bachelor of Computer Applications
- Bachelor of Information Technology (CS / IT)
Subjects Taught At Undergraduate And Post Graduate Level
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big data and Analytics
- Unix and Shell Programming Computer Graphics
- Operating Systems
- Data Structures
- Compiler Design
- Data Communication and Networks
- DBMS and Data Mining
- Web Technology
- Network Security
Projects Guided
- Guided a number of students of Master of Technology (Computer Science) Weekend Course, M.Tech(Bio-Informatics), M.Sc (Computer Science), MCA course in their dissertation. Guided a number of BCA, B.Tech(CS), B.Tech(IT) final year students in their dissertation.
- Languages/Packages Known :
C, C++, Java, Rational Rose, Python, R programming, Microsoft Visual Studio, FOXPRO, MATLAB.
- Operating Systems : Windows95, Windows 98, Windows2000, Windows XP, Unix/Linux.
- Senior Member, IEEE
- Member ISTE
Others :
- Guided three (3) students in completing PhD.
- Four (4) Students pursuing Ph.D. are enrolled under my supervision at Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard University.
Current And Upcoming Events
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9810199192 | 8851294049
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P 212 Sanjay Nagar, Ghaziabad ,Uttar Pradesh- 201001